Sergeevskie Chteniya

Academician RAS Eugenii Mikhailovich SERGEEV
- Published on Monday, 03 October 2011 10:26
Scientific Council RAS and IEG RAS hold the annual scientific conference "Sergeevskie Chteniya" in commemoration of academician Evgenii Mikhailovich Sergeev and aimed at the promotion and development of Russian environmental geological science.
The jubilee conference in commemoration of acad.E.M.Sergeev (to the 100th birthday)
Video about the Jubilee Conference Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgenii Mikhailovich Sergeev, held on March 20-21, 2014, in Moscow:
The 13th conference "Sergeevskie chteniya" will take place in Moscow, on March 23, 2011.
1st announcement
The Twelfth conference in commemoration of academicain RAS E.M.Sergeev was held in Moscow, on March 23-24, 2010
1st circular
The eleventh conference "Sergeev's readings" -Modeling for Solving Geoenvironmental Problems was held in Moscow, on March 23-24, 2009.
The tenth conference in commemoration academician Evgenii M. Sergeev Internaitonal Year of Planet Earth: the tasks in environmental geoscience, engineering geology and hydrogeology. Moscow, March 20-21
The ninth Conference in commemoration of academician Evgenii M. Sergeev "Hazardous natural and human-induced exogeneous processes: development regularities, monitoring and engineering control". Moscow, on March 23, 2007
(first announcement)
The eighth All-Russia Scientific Conference ”Sergeevskie chteniya” (The annual session of the Scientific council RAS on Environmental Geoscience, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology) in commemoration of the outstanding Soviet and Russian scholar, the founder of the Russian school of engineering geology, and the pioneer in environmental geoscience development, Past President IAEG academician Evgenii Mikhailovich Sergeev. Moscow, March 22, 2006.
The conference was organized by the Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS and the Scientific Council RAS on Environmental Geoscience, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. The conference was devoted to acute scientific problems and new achievements in engineering and environmental investigations for construction purposes. The reports presented at the conference dealt with the issues of further improvement of norms and standards for engineering and environmental survey performed at different stages and for different kinds of construction, as well as methods and techniques of geoenvironment assessment, interpretation and presentation of results of engineering geological survey, environmental and engineering geological monitoring. The conference was attended by more than 180 participants from 11 cities of Russia, Belarus, and Uzbekistan. The volume of the conference proceedings (Sergeevskie chteniya. Vypusk 8, V.I. Osipov, Editor-in-chief, Moscow, GEOS Publishers, 2006, 392 pp.) including above 100 articles has been issued in Russian.
The seventh conference in commemoration of past President IAEG academician RAS E.M. Sergeev “Sergeevskie chteniya: Engineering geological and geoenvironmental problems in utilization and disposal of wastes” was held in Moscow on March 23, 2005 (the yearly session of the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on the problems in environmental geoscience, engineering geology, and hydrogeology).
The conference was organized by the Institute of Environmental Geoscience RAS and the Scientific Council RAS on Environmental Geoscience, Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. It included the work of two sessions:
- Engineering geological and geoenvironmental problems of geological disposal of solid and liquid radioactive and highly toxic wastes
- Engineering geological and geoenvironmental problems of utilization and disposal of domestic and industrial wastes.
The conference was attended by about 140 participants from 14 cities of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, and Kirgizstan. A total of twenty-three reports were delivered at the conference. The conference was attended by dr. Daniel Morfeldt (Sweden), chairman of the Commission no. 14 IAEG on waste disposal, who delivered a report on engineering geology, research and development in the Swedish waste disposal program and gave the information about the activity of Commission no.14 IAEG.
The proceedings of the conference “Sergeevskie chteniya. Engineering geological and geoenvironmental problems in utilization and disposal of wastes. Vypusk 7.” (including more than 70 abstracts of papers accepted to the conference) was published in Russian (Moscow, GEOS Publishers, 2005, 326 pp.)
The Eights Conference in commemoration of academician E.M.Sergeev "Engineering geological and geoenvironmental problems in utilization and disposal of wastes" will be held on March 23 - 24, 2006 , in Moscow.
First circular (in russian) (zip)